Summary: "Write An Excellent Programming Blog"

This article tries to summaries "Write An Excellent Programming Blog"

Read time: 1 min
Written on February 15, 2020

"Write An Excellent Programming Blog" talks about how to write tech-based articles. The Article categories articles, and details about how to write articles for given category, which provides guidelines for beginners to write articles.

Types of articles.

* Story.

  • Series of steps in event.
  • Moral of event.

* Opinion.

  • State hypothesis.
  • Provide evidence for hypothesis.
  • Response to possible question.
  • Restate the hypothesis.
  • Note: Do not hurt feeling.

* How to Guides.

  • Doing x is good for y problem.
  • Step for doing x.

* How things work.

  • Pick thought-provoking subject, say x.
  • Explain how x works.

* Review.

  • I used x.
  • State your experience.
  • State Strength vs Weakness.
  • Have conclusion (using some criteria).
  • Analyze, do not say yes or no.
  • Concluded with info useful for reader.

How to get audience ?

  • Aggregators.
  • Weekly Feeds.
  • Do not compete for audience.

How to improve ?

  • Practice: write, write and write.
  • Pull style from your liked authors.
  • Read, analyze and apply.
  • Get editors or friend review.

How to make time to write ?

  • Choose exciting topics.
  • Write infrequently.
  • Practice with Short Reviews.
Post Tags:  #writing,  #articles,  #programming